A klerikusok által a hatodik parancs ellen, a kiskorú személyek terhére elkövetett büntetendő cselekmény jelenlegi kánonjogi szabályozása
typology of the sexual delict, concept of 'minor' and the cleric, vulnerable adult, notitia de delicto, preliminary canonical investigation, terms of prescription for the criminal actionAbsztrakt
Church legislation on the abuse of minors – and vulnerable persons – has become increasingly strict in recent decades. The scope of the offence has expanded, the age of the victims has increased, the statute of limitations has increased and the offence has become a reserved offence for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. These are all the means and manifestations of the Church's desire to show zero tolerance towards the perpetrators of such acts. The study analyses the nature of the offence, the identification of the perpetrator and the victim, the possibility of limitation, the obligation to report an incident of sexual abuse and related misconduct and the obligations of the ordinary following a report.
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