Lukács István P. Mansvét OFM (1892–1958) 500. népmissziós alkalmának főpásztori, tartományfőnöki méltatása
P. Lukács Mansvét OFM, Scheffler János, P. Boros Fortunát OFM, laudation, Transylvania, missionAbsztrakt
As a missionary of the people of Transylvania, Fr. Mansvét has made his mark not only in the history of the Order, but also in the history of the Transylvanian people's missions.The 500th missionary occasion was held in the diocese of Satu Mare, in the diocese of Nagykároly in November 1947. In his bequest, besides a letter from the Bishop of Satu Mare, János Scheffler, he has a greeting(s) from Bishop Áron Márton and from the then Provincial Superior, Father Fortunát Boros OFM, on the occasion of the 500th mission. These letters are reproduced below.
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