A gyermekkeresztség megengedettségi feltételei hívő és hitüket gyakorló, valamint hitüket nem (vagy csak alkalmanként) gyakorló szülők esetében
sacraments, sacramental law, baptism, infant baptism, liceityAbsztrakt
The present paper discusses the conditions for liceity of infant baptism in the case of parents who live and practice their faith as well as parents who do not (or only occasionally) practice their faith. It focuses primarily on updating the Church's legislation in this regard, analysing and evaluating it in the light of the concrete situation of families today. In doing so, I endeavour to interpret the requirements for the liceity contained in the §1 of can. 868 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law (CIC/1983) in such a way that they can be applied to the everyday situation of families in today's society.
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Copyright (c) 2021 László Bakó

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