Szempontok egy életszerű pasztorális terv készítéséhez a jelen kihívásaira válaszolva


  • Dicu Ramóna Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem



pastoral planning, reform, challenge


The objective of the Vatican Council is to 'introduce the faithful into the life of Christ'. As urgent as it was in the world from 1962–1965, it is even more urgent in today's society and in our dioceses. In an interview during the world youth meeting in August, Pope Francis stated that the teachings of the Second Vatican Council have still not been implemented and that the church cannot be reformed without the gospel. It connected with Rahner's thoughts, according to which maintaining the old well-functioning habits was not enough, since they had been born to solve the challenges and problems of the given age and place. He believed that innovative movements should be in fruitful relationships with the authentic experiences of tradition; it was necessary to go back to tradition because there was a wealth of experiences that provided solution models for every era, but the fruition depended on whether it developed in the present and adapted to current conditions. In my study, I would like to apply such aspects to a life-like pastoral planning that responds to the challenges of the present world.



2023-12-20 — Frissítve ekkor: 2024-06-06

Hogyan kell idézni

Dicu, R. (2024). Szempontok egy életszerű pasztorális terv készítéséhez a jelen kihívásaira válaszolva. Studia Theologica Transsylvaniensia, 26(1), 217–244.

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