A papságra készület és a papi szolgálat közös eleme
Élethosszig tartó tanulás a Szentlélektől
initial and ongoing formation, docibilitas, lifelong learning, priestly formation, priesthoodAbsztrakt
Persons called to the ministerial priesthood, both during initial and ongoing formation, should be attentive to the Holy Spirit in a disciplined way. The priest can be a life-breathing, community man through docibilitas. In this paper I trace the process of discipleship to the Spirit during initial and ongoing formation. Lifelong learning is important not only in the lives of lay professionals but also for priests and pastors serving in dioceses. To take an active part in this process, with vigilance of heart and mind, thus allowing the image of the Son of the Father to be formed in us by the Holy Spirit.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Endre Kiss

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