A propedeutikus év tapasztalatai a világegyházban
priestly formation, propaedeutic stage, preparatory years, experiencesAbsztrakt
The Optatam Totius had already outlined a sort of blueprint for the preparatory year of studies (propaedeuticum), which was implemented in several countries. In 1992, the post-synodal apostolic exhortation entitled "Pastores dabo vobis" also presented this training as an opportunity to enrich the priestly formation. These trainings can be divided into three groups: autonomous, integrated in the seminary curriculum, or bound to the pastoral care (of students). At the international level, the preparatory years are organized either by Episcopal Conferences or by dioceses. This study presents the experiences acquired from the practice of propaedeuticum in different countries.
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Copyright (c) 2021 András Törő

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