Dr. Gyárfás Elemér státusgyűlési tag beszámoló jelentése egyházi és iskolai ügyekben Bukarestben folytatott tárgyalásainak eredményéről


  • Tóth Krisztián Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem




Elemér Gyárfás, Roman Catholic Status of Transylvania, negotiations with the Romanian government, ecclesiastical affairs, educational system


A book published from the lectures of a conference held in the memory of the 70th anniversary of his death refers to Elemér Gyárfás as the 'civilian bishop'. He was a politician, a writer and an economist who earned that title through his efforts to ensure the rights of Roman Catholic Hungarians living in interwar Romania. As the lay leader of the Roman Catholic Status from Transylvania, he was often at the forefront of the negotiations with the Romanian state regarding the Roman Catholic school system and the economic situation of the Status. In Bucharest, he had several discussions with different representatives of the Romanian administration. In the document at hand from 1921, he wrote about negotiations with the government regarding the educational system and about topics relating to ecclesiastical affairs. The report is valuable, because we can see to what degree a compromise was possible with the Romanian state as well as the causes most important to the Status.



2023-12-20 — Frissítve ekkor: 2024-06-06

Hogyan kell idézni

Tóth, K. (2024). Dr. Gyárfás Elemér státusgyűlési tag beszámoló jelentése egyházi és iskolai ügyekben Bukarestben folytatott tárgyalásainak eredményéről. Studia Theologica Transsylvaniensia, 26(1), 249–262. https://doi.org/10.52258/stthtr.2023.14

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